Painting a dog from my dream
Today I suddenly have this inspiration of starting on a new oil painting; I'd a vivid dream last night in my sleep where I was walking my dog. I don't have a dog all along but now in my dream I saw one. What does it mean? Anyone can interpret for me? Marie Callas? The only living thing (other than me) that is in my studio now is a tank of bubbling goldfish!
For a start, I need a reference photo of my 'dream' dog. I manage to find one online, print it out I hope it is okay with that because I felt funny about painting from it. The painting is my own, but the image, I feel, is not, which means I definitely won’t try to sell this painting.
Maybe I'd just give it away to a friend whose birthday is approaching or I just hang it down the alley of the house. It was an excellent way to finish the day. By tomorrow the painting should be ready. Thanks to Marie Callas for this inspiration.