Renew Yourself
Our bodies are perfect records, holding every nuance of our lives. They hold all our memories of the things we have done to others and how we felt about it at the time, the judgements we have made since. Besides all this, there is what others have done to us and our emotions surrounding these things. We also hold shocking or traumatic memories from our lives which can appear to come 'out of the blue.' There are no accidents or coincidences, the universe works and everything is a part of the rich tapestry, even though we may be unaware and cannot see it at the time.
We discern our world through our feelings. They are an unsourced tool for discovering more about ourselves and the world about us. Yet, we are afraid of feeling. We block our feelings and hide from them, and as a result we overload our cellular memory with our emotional baggage.
Release them, let go of your unhappy past and worries. Renew yourself like a new born spiritually.