Stop the trash from getting into your Mind.
I have decided to distant myself from a couple of university mates. Enough is enough!
This is the act of clearing the deadwood from my inner closet and letting go of them is making me feel better. No longer I have to fake a smile to listen to their incessant ranting about everything from boyfriends to careers. I have realised I have a opposite mindset compared to them. I have told them not to invite me for the drinks from now on and we just maintain minimal contact.
There are people everywhere and people will attract right-minded people. I find that there is an abundance of new friends that are right-minded. I also read books all the time, sometimes my art /painting books, spiritual books, or current affair mags. I can't leave home without a book unless I'm driving. In this way, my mind is constantly being fed with position ideas.
I used to like horror shows, but the content i find is too detrimental to my spiritual development hence that is way off my personal list now too. I just know it's much better for me, my goals and everyone else involved if I program my subconcious mind with healthy stuff.
Just constantly feed your subconscious with healthy food and you will notice the great differences in your life. Positive image will appear everywhere you go and you become a better person.
Try this Marie Callas affirmation:
"I now attract positive, successful and vibrantly healthy, influential people into my life. Thank you thank you thank you. It is done!"
Do it a few times a day, the morning you wake up, during your lunch time hours or just before you sleep. Feed your brain with mental food it deserves and not those useless trash.
I congratulate you to be on the way to a better person!