Marie Callas - Where is the Peace I've Been Looking For? Posted By : Mark Arens
Where is the Peace I've Been Looking For? Posted By : Mark Arens
Are you easily frustrated and always thinking you are not where you are supposed to be? Whether it relates to your career, family, relationships or any aspect of your life? The following talks about different ways to view where you are truly at.
Does Wizardry Help to Change Fortunes? Posted By : Dr. Moore
This is a question which has been asked by many people from times immemorial. There is a certain belief that witchcraft can turn the balance in favor of anyone. More than anything, witchcraft has a science attached to it which many people fail to understand. It is not about pleasing the demon or the God. There are different schools of Wizardry which include Sorcery, Eastern & Western Magick, Invocation, Evocation, Qabala, Elemental Magick, Rune Magick, and Witchcraft. It helps an individual to
The Power of Acknowledgement Posted By : Carolyn Ellis
Ring in the new year with a deep sense of accomplishment and appreciation of all that you've experienced in this past year and let it fuel you into an inspiring new year!
The Glory of Little Miracles Posted By : Robin Weidner
The words spoken to the main character in Patsy Metzer's novel summed up exactly where I found myself. Forgetting to watch for the little miracles in my longing for big miracles. I was back in the old familiar territory of wanting to receive big proof that all of this hard work, all of this heart, all of this struggle really means something.
How to Have A Good Memory Posted By : Jimmy Cox
Memory is of course important in one's professional and business life, but it is of more immediate interest in its effect on our daily, personal life.
We wish you . . . Happy Holidays! Posted By : Elsabe Smit
Christmas time is about relaxing and having a peaceful time, even when you do not believe in Jesus.
Entitlement Posted By : Colleen Lilly
Today in your heart, send love to 7 strangers and bless them. Take inventory of how you feel. Then do it again with 7 more people and feel the love grow in your heart! Live today as if it is the last day of your life.
What Is Spirituality? Here's One Possible Answer. Posted By : Timothy Aaron Whiston
What is spirituality? One answer to this important question can be found in the article below.
The Fear of God, Health and Safety Posted By : Elsabe Smit
The easiest way to create a fear-based, bureaucratic society is to put people with inferior judgement into positions of power and then submit to their power. This often starts with small incidents and grow until a dictatorship is formed. People move from tutting and shaking their heads to outrage, but they still do not take action, because they are programmed to submit to the will of others rather than take responsibility for themselves.
Father of Slain Terror Victim Kindles Menorah on Liberty Island Posted By : Miriam Davids
Freezing temperatures and icy winds whipped Liberty Island off the New York harbor Tuesday night. Hardly a night for a boat ride with the kids, and several hundred adults and children, plus distinguished city and state officials came out into the cold to celebrate a unique Chanukah lighting.