Marie Callas - Manifesting Your Spirituality Posted By : Rijuta Tooker
Manifesting Your Spirituality Posted By : Rijuta Tooker
One might ask, What is spirituality and what does manifesting your spirituality mean? A spiritual life is always natural and normal. A spiritual person is a normal person, and most importantly, must be divinely practical in his or her day-to-day activities.
The Power of 'Amazing Grace' Posted By : Mark Arens
This song is one of the most recognizable songs in history. The words are powerful, peaceful and hopeful all the things our hearts long for.
Loving Response Offers Alternative to Revenge After Terrorist Attack in Mumbai Posted By : Nina Amir
This article discusses Chabad's reaction to the Mumbai terrorists attacks. They call for acts of loving kindness and the performing of commandments rather than revenge against the terrorists. This will bring light into the world giving darkness no place to exist.
Does Religion Cause War? Part One Posted By : kieron mcfadden
One often hears the lazy argument that Religion is responsible for Mans wars, the assumption being that if we got rid of religion all would be peace and harmony. Presumably then, if all men abandoned the notion that they are spirits inhabiting a material body and conceived of themselves as mere animals fashioned by chance from mud our troubles would be over and wed all be a lot happier. .....