Marie Callas - The Wisdom of God and Supreme Knowledge Posted By : Francis Hirak
The Wisdom of God and Supreme Knowledge Posted By : Francis Hirak
The wisdom of God is like a fine gem with many different facets shining through. Happiness can be found by living life according to the wisdom of God but intelligence and obedience go hand in hand to achieve it.
Annihilation Of Thousand Maya Books By Spaniard Conquerors. Posted By : Alan Benson
From the Maya, we have the numbers that demonstrate one of the greatest of their many discoveries about the rhythms of the sky, but we have no account of the emotion the astronomer-priests or the common folk felt when they observed an eclipse.
Citrine: The Crystal of Wealth Posted By : Britney Spears
Citrine, like all other natural crystals, is believed to have certain powers that work on a spiritual and material level to help you obtain, and keep, certain traits. Citrine is traditionally linked with abundance, making it one of the best crystal to wear or keep in your purse or wallet when you want to boost your wealth luck.
The Use of Anointing Oils in the Christian Church Posted By : Clara Huset
The practice of anointing oil in the Christian Church is a mystery to many. Why are they use and what is the benefit?
Numerology: Numbers Attached to our Daily Lives! Posted By : johnlloyd
Did you experience acquiring your numerology report? What happen when you have it? Do some things implicates into your life? Does the Number affects your life? If yes, congrats! You encounter an expert numerologist.
The Limits of Mysticism - Eckhart Tolle meets anthroposophy Posted By : jgraf
Anthroposophy versus mysticism - a comparative exploration of key modern spiritual paths, using the perspectives of Eckhart Tolle, Rudolf Steiner, and Georg Kuhlewind.
The Case for Commitment Posted By : Ken Keis
One of the critical characteristics to anyones success is his or her commitment level. Commitment is defined as an obligation or pledge given in trust. Unfortunately, our society and world today seeks self-gratification; thus discomfort of any kind is a reason for breaking commitments.
The Power of Lifelong Learning Posted By : Ken Keis
The difference between "who you are now and the person you really want to be" lies in two simple things: your level of knowledge and the application of that knowledge.