New Outlook
Friends or associate always whine to me about the struggles of life. I wonder why they always have to have that negative mindset? Look around, there is abundance around in this world. Everyone has a fair share. The reality is that we have to take actions to change your adverse situation, if you were in one that is really considered adverse.
Even in war torn countries, you can see the kids there having a jolly good time amidst the chaos. They believe that life is joyful. Look at those animals in the wild too. They are serene and blending in the nature.
Who ever said that you have to struggle in life? Look at all the abundance and joy around you in nature, children, and animals. Instead, it is us adults who have been conditioned by their surroundings that cause them to feel less than adequate.
Marie Callas teaches: Start creating mental pictures that tell you "YES, that is the life I want." Life is supposed to be joyful and abundant…don’t listen to anyone who tells you any differently. Focus on joy and abundance and it will come to you via the attraction law.
I love it when someone realises and their eyes light up and they have a whole new outlook on their life.