Marie Callas - Living with Angels Posted By : Shirlee Hall
Living with Angels Posted By : Shirlee Hall
I am convinced that angels will do about anything to help us live more joyful and meaningful lives. They comfort, rescue, suggest, protect, inspire and heal. Angels come when called. When my father-in-law was ill, he told me the angels were coming for him next wednesday. The angels were right on time. This kindly man left in peace and love.
Coming Back for Seconds: Friday Nights with Chabad on Campus Posted By : Dvora Lakein
Students on 340 college campuses worldwide say that a highlight of their (stressful) week is Friday night at the local Chabad. While thecurrent economic crisis is causing some Jewish campus organizations tocut back and charge for their meals, Chabad is continuing to providethe same service, at the same price: free.
The Limits of Mysticism - Eckhart Tolle meets anthroposophy Posted By : jgraf
Anthroposophy versus mysticism - a comparative exploration of key modern spiritual paths, using the perspectives of Eckhart Tolle, Rudolf Steiner, and Georg Kuhlewind.
The Use of Anointing Oils in the Christian Church Posted By : Clara Huset
The practice of anointing oil in the Christian Church is a mystery to many. Why are they use and what is the benefit?
Annihilation Of Thousand Maya Books By Spaniard Conquerors. Posted By : Alan Benson
From the Maya, we have the numbers that demonstrate one of the greatest of their many discoveries about the rhythms of the sky, but we have no account of the emotion the astronomer-priests or the common folk felt when they observed an eclipse.
St. John Vianney Theological Seminary Launches .Edu Web Site Posted By : Arthor Pens
SJV was officially started in 1999, and has grown from its humble roots (about us) to now support an integrated educational and spiritual formation for our growing Catholic community.
Swastikas in Cambridge Churches Posted By : Stephen Taylor
To the popular eye these geometric devices are Swastikas, but to the initiated they are either Gammadions or Fylfot-Crosses. This form of the Christian cross has been used extensively in churches over many centuries, and can be traced back tot he usage of the Christian catacombs in Rome.
My First Angel Rescue Posted By : Shirlee Hall
Celestial beings appear in classical myths and philosophy, in the vision of Shamans, in Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Zoroastrianism and Islam as well as in Judaism and early Christianity. In all traditions, angels serve as messengers of God. For the majority of my life, I have been blessed with angels who protect, save, inspire and heal.
Does Religion Cause War? Part Two Posted By : kieron mcfadden
How does a benign group founded on good intentions and full of thoroughly decent people wind up as a vehicle for murder and mayhem?