Marie Callas - Tarot Cards - The Emperor Posted By : Fred Gimino

Tarot Cards - The Emperor Posted By : Fred Gimino
Many people express a deep fondness for the Empress' motherly love. It is because of this that these same people often feel fearful of the patriarchal sternness expressed by the Emperor. In the Waite deck, the Emperor seems stern and dark.

Jade - Facts, Lore, History and Myths Posted By : Britney Spears
As a healing crystal, jade has been known to boost sagging spirits. Jade imbues the wearer with a steady stream of positive energy that allows for the wearer to slowly recover from past setbacks and failures.

Citrine: The Crystal of Wealth Posted By : Britney Spears
Citrine, like all other natural crystals, is believed to have certain powers that work on a spiritual and material level to help you obtain, and keep, certain traits. Citrine is traditionally linked with abundance, making it one of the best crystal to wear or keep in your purse or wallet when you want to boost your wealth luck.

The Opening To The Psychic World Posted By : raphnix
Neutral believers of paranormal entities and phenomena are yet confused of their in dept purpose to humanity. Astrology sings or star signs are already universal terms but delivers no unique impact to what does it really means or its true objectives.

The Importance of Asking Good Questions during a Tarot Reading Posted By : Robert Melkonyan
Tarot cards are one of the most popular ways that psychics tell the future. As we all know, every tarot reading begins with a question.

The Power of Lifelong Learning Posted By : Ken Keis
The difference between "who you are now and the person you really want to be" lies in two simple things: your level of knowledge and the application of that knowledge.

Feng Shui Redesigning The Accommodation Posted By : Mat
Redesigning the accommodation attracting neat positive energies to their lives and environments

Examining Your Foundation Posted By : Carl Willis
A structure is only as good as the foundation it is built upon. The foundation determines to what degree and at what pace the structure can be erected. It also determines the longevity of what is built, and the types of adversity the structure can withstand.