Marie Callas - Taliscope or Talisman-Horoscope Posted By : Roberto Garabell

Taliscope or Talisman-Horoscope Posted By : Roberto Garabell
Year 2009 will be marked by the launch of a brand new product, Taliscope ( ), already in high demand by Internet users. Taliscope is a talismanic calendar which provides for each day of the year a talisman in the form of a 4x4 magic square, whose first line is made up of figures of the chosen date. It combines several parallel sciences as clairvoyance, esotericism and astrology. Taliscope also helps you to find all the lucky days of the year.

Father of Slain Terror Victim Kindles Menorah on Liberty Island Posted By : Miriam Davids
Freezing temperatures and icy winds whipped Liberty Island off the New York harbor Tuesday night. Hardly a night for a boat ride with the kids, and several hundred adults and children, plus distinguished city and state officials came out into the cold to celebrate a unique Chanukah lighting.

The Opening To The Psychic World Posted By : raphnix
Neutral believers of paranormal entities and phenomena are yet confused of their in dept purpose to humanity. Astrology sings or star signs are already universal terms but delivers no unique impact to what does it really means or its true objectives.

Entitlement Posted By : Colleen Lilly
Today in your heart, send love to 7 strangers and bless them. Take inventory of how you feel. Then do it again with 7 more people and feel the love grow in your heart! Live today as if it is the last day of your life.

Do You Really Know Jesus? Posted By : Roberto Garabell
Jesus Christ of Nazareth had been slain since the beginning of this world (Rev 13:8), only to be born to a virgin mother and slain in this life and then conquered death so that we might be saved. He is the high priest whose blood was shed to cover our sins for eternity. The blood of animals or the traditions of men were insufficient, so Christ came, a perfect sacrifice, to conquer death and wipe our sins away. Who is your Jesus?