
Everything starts with the thought!

Each thought leaves your mind and is sent out into the universe like ripples on a pond. As they are transmitted they meet up with all the other thoughts that transverse the universe in this giant matrix of thoughts.

When your thought runs across a similar thought, there is an attraction, like a magnet, and the thoughts bond together to form a stronger thought.

When we give thoughts a lot of energy and think about it a lot, we reinforce that energy and build on it. So we create the thoughts at a much higher level, and we are beginning to see the manifestation of that thought.

Beach painting

Feel so bad as I have not updated this blog for nearly two months. I think I kind of just switched off as I concentrated on the paintings. I have painted quite a number due to some sudden inspirations to continue and continue. Worry that those inspirations would dry off, I just told myself not to stop till the ideas had dried. It was really hectic but I felt so satisfactory as this is a personal triumph and shows that hardwork does pay off handsomely if you concentrated and focused. Here is one of my recent paintings:

It's not crowded up there

According to a research, 95% of people who buy a program or read a book never finish it or make it past the first few pages.

I know this is true. It happens to me so often. While you think you have found a really delightful book and you pay for it happily at the bookshop. Reach home you unwrap it enthusiastically but barely a week later, you have lost that interest. I think it is very common among people.

So this should be motivation for all of us.

If you apply just that others are not doing, you will be in the top 5%. It's not crowded over there.

I also think this applies to most things we want to accomplish in life.

You want to have a perfect figure, but you go to 3 months to the gym and then quit.

You want to have a successful tennis game, but you practise every 10 days, then you quit.

Persistence is one of the skills that everyone lacks, and it's not a gift, you just have to make it a habit. I believe that what stop us from staying in the same road for a long time is that we never see results at first, none does.

Signs or just dreams?

Recently I was convinced that I'd been seeing visions, not blurred visions though. They started off as innocent, weird dreams; but as the next day went along, these dreams were obviously more than just my imagination — they were signs. Marie Callas says some signs should be taken spiritually as it could mean what your intuition is trying to tell you.

When I had a dream about going to classes with old high school classmates from 10-12 years ago, an old friend whom I've known for many years, who also hasn't been online since I added her on MSN, went online and messaged me the next day. When I dreamt about being tickled from the back by an invisible person while standing in front of a mirror, there was this tickle scene in a little flash game I played the next day, which looked oddly similar to the reflection I saw (not to mention of the thousands of flash games I've played, only about 5 had tickling in them).

When I dreamt about a friend letting me use his very personal computer during a party held at my place and I downloaded porn on it by mistake, an online friend gave me his username / password of his game account to help him with stuff the next day, and... it's a great shame relief that it wasn't possible to download porn through the account.

... So when I dreamt about the landlady's bunny creeping onto my bed and licked me on my neck last night, I was seriously expecting some interesting encounters or proposals today.

Oh well, maybe some of those visions were really just dreams, after all.

Need new ideas

I've been travelling around the country recently and this is really a big place. I wish I can have more time seeing more places around. I feel I need to relieve myself off the stagnant inner void and look from outside the meaning of life.

Although I can't identify what it is, I feel spiritually I have "hit the wall" as far as it is concerned. I wish to improve that's why I travel around looking for new inspirations. Guess this only happens to people like me who paints and draws. We are forever seeking for new ideas and motivations.

As with my experiences on life's journey, this is not something concrete that can be described in words, but basically, I've lost my curiosity. And this is like a cat missing some strands of its feelers. Could it be I've hit an impasse? I find myself left with no inspirations, and no mood to work, so that is why I call it "impasse".

The spirit of never give up

Watch this video and you can understand why we should never give up as long as there is a hope or chance of turning the odds to your favour. The desire to do it must be so strong that even the Heaven will be touched by your deeds.

In essence, this is what life is all about I guess. The video gives me a lot of inspirations not to throw in the towels easily. Modern people lack that bite in their teeth and that includes me sometimes, who is in the middle of a inspiration-less spell.

Stop the trash from getting into your Mind.

I have decided to distant myself from a couple of university mates. Enough is enough!

This is the act of clearing the deadwood from my inner closet and letting go of them is making me feel better. No longer I have to fake a smile to listen to their incessant ranting about everything from boyfriends to careers. I have realised I have a opposite mindset compared to them. I have told them not to invite me for the drinks from now on and we just maintain minimal contact.

There are people everywhere and people will attract right-minded people. I find that there is an abundance of new friends that are right-minded. I also read books all the time, sometimes my art /painting books, spiritual books, or current affair mags. I can't leave home without a book unless I'm driving. In this way, my mind is constantly being fed with position ideas.

I used to like horror shows, but the content i find is too detrimental to my spiritual development hence that is way off my personal list now too. I just know it's much better for me, my goals and everyone else involved if I program my subconcious mind with healthy stuff.

Just constantly feed your subconscious with healthy food and you will notice the great differences in your life. Positive image will appear everywhere you go and you become a better person.

Try this Marie Callas affirmation:

"I now attract positive, successful and vibrantly healthy, influential people into my life. Thank you thank you thank you. It is done!"

Do it a few times a day, the morning you wake up, during your lunch time hours or just before you sleep. Feed your brain with mental food it deserves and not those useless trash.

I congratulate you to be on the way to a better person!

Ask these type of questions

When you ask a good question to the powerful subconscious, you will get a good answer! In fact, not only will you get a good answer; your subconscious may actually come up with an almost magical response/solution that may surprise you!

Ask your subconscious questions such as:
"What shall I do to improve my drawing techniques and skills?"
"How can I overcome my procrastination and enhance my creative thinking?"
"How can I have a strong and healthy body?"
"What can I do to earn that $10,000 next month?"
"What must I do get that top position next month?"

Avoid these type of questions

"Why am I always failing to achieve my goals in life?"
"How come I am stuck in this dead-end job, without any hope for career advancement?"
"Why can't I have the same amount of creativity and intelligence as he is?"
"How can such unfortunate events be happening to me?"
"Why am I always running out of luck?"

They are bad for your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind will always try to respond to such pessimistic questions, resulting in massive mental and emotional self-destruction.

Instincts and Intuitions

"Inner Self" constantly "emails" you messages. You need to open your mail program everyday and check what it has to say to you via those spiritual "emails". Have you done so?

The more we vibrate positive emotions, the closer we become to who we TRULY are. Flashes of intuition and inspired ideas are a direct result of us gaining a closer relationship with our all-powerful inner selves.

Human instincts teach us to survive. Human intuition, on the other hand, teaches us to be happy. If you want to be happy, then learn how to respond when clues and answers are given to you.

Personally, my question is, how too tell the difference between "real" intuition and my inner voices....? Are they the same or are they different?

Maybe, here's my attempted answer to my own question.

Human instincts, as you say, are survival-oriented and usually based on fear. Fear of being a loser, in one form or another. Real intuition is based on something else, ermm.. happiness, yeah, that's right. The main thing is the process of learning to listen to this happy-voice rather than the fear-voice, anyone agrees?

Today Tonight

I have found out that the program mentioned in my past post is Today Tonight on Channel 7 hosted by Anna Coren. Just a bit wasted that I missed that episode out and it will be interesting to watch what is being mentioned about Marie Callas. Anyone has recorded that segment? Would you kind if you can youtube it as I am curious to find out more. If the reaction is that unfavourable, I think it wouldn't be that good for Marie.

As I said, the opinions are subjective. Some of the topics discussed in this show have been rather controversial I feel, and I don't 100% believe in what's bring shown or printed in the media. If you have benefitted from Marie Callas, I hope you can stand out and write to her your personal testimony. It will be excellent to hear the positive voices.

Marie Callas - some suggestions

Knew from a close friend that there was a TV segment recently featuring Marie Callas. As you may have guessed it, the message of this segment informed us people to be careful when it comes to mail offers such as Marie Callas'. I feel it's good that there is such investigative journalism going around doing their job here. It brings awareness to topics concerned. I prefer to view on it positively.

Okay my personal view is that there is no sure things in this world except death and taxes. Some people will really benefit from Marie Callas readings while some people may view it as scam after finding there are no significant changes in their lives. Generally those people who gained from Marie Callas (or any others) tend to be less vocal from those who felt they did not gain. You know, it's very much simple to blabber negative words than singing out positive compliments (human nature). I know of that personally through my drawing experience in which people just criticise without giving you much thoughts. That's why there are so many unhappy incidents in this world, all due to the negativities in human thoughts.

If you feel you have not gained from Marie Callas, first of all, you need to exercise patience. Maybe give yourself a few months, I suggest two to four months, because i don't really believe there is quick fix in anything. If Marie Callas promises you changes within 24 hours, have faith in what she told you. If there are no changes within this period, maybe you can request for a refund or wait for longer time and think positively at all times.

The refund scheme is real. I have been fully refunded once for the moonstone product because it did not do me any good. I don't lose any money, perhaps just some of my time.

So if you think it's not working out, learn to take your own responsibility and ask for the refund. I think that's the best way for both parties.

Renew Yourself

Our bodies are perfect records, holding every nuance of our lives. They hold all our memories of the things we have done to others and how we felt about it at the time, the judgements we have made since. Besides all this, there is what others have done to us and our emotions surrounding these things. We also hold shocking or traumatic memories from our lives which can appear to come 'out of the blue.' There are no accidents or coincidences, the universe works and everything is a part of the rich tapestry, even though we may be unaware and cannot see it at the time.

We discern our world through our feelings. They are an unsourced tool for discovering more about ourselves and the world about us. Yet, we are afraid of feeling. We block our feelings and hide from them, and as a result we overload our cellular memory with our emotional baggage.

Release them, let go of your unhappy past and worries. Renew yourself like a new born spiritually.

Spiritual Homes

There are many beautiful places in this lovely planet and how I wish I can have chances this lifetime to visit each and every one of them.

Meditating about this, I came to realise is that in every human, there is already the most beautiful spot any person can have or own. This place is the same for all humans, irregardless of colours, language or country.

This place is not a location in the geographical sense. It is the centre of the Heart ... that place where we are touched by the Beloved. This connection to the Earth, to another Being, or to the simple sense of "I am" is where real beauty can be found. It is our spiritual home.

Looks like I'm getting more spiritual lol.

Inspiritional moments

The air feels refreshing in the cold winter weather. Winter is always my favourite season because it makes me feel inspirational when I see the faded colour tone of the trees and plants. The wild animals seem to be hiding in cold as well. Many of my best paintings were created during this time in the past. It really is, because, the path of thinking and imagining in my mind is less clouded.

I like to sit down in the winter afternoon seeping my hot tea looking at the scenery outside. You'll experience the subtleties of the mind at this time, as if your "inner guide" is whispering intimately to you. Flipping through some of my earlier drawing scripts sketched during the winter times, I come to understand my feelings in great details, like a dissecting knife carving into a soft cheesecake...

It feels great. Life is really good to me at this time. Forget the unhappiness of the past. We shouldn't be burdened by the vagaries of the yesteryears, don't you agree?

Fleeting idea..

The idea comes to the mind fleetingly. It is just like a flash streaking by in the far horizon. In one minuscule moment, I am unable to grasp it. It feels like a melting snow turning into water when it reaches your palm.

Gazing intensely at the yellow bird chirping amongst the barren branches metres away, I have this weird discovery that my sensitivity to the surrounding seems faded. The drawing board seems like a stranger to me and refusing to acknowledge.

Well, something in life will be forgotten if you don't try to recall it or record it. It will be kept outside the door to your mind. I even believe more so, that with time, something substantial will become inconsequential.

Thanks Marie Callas for your inspirations

When I was very young, probably around 9 years old, I developed this liking for drawing and painting. While girls of my age were still playing with soft toys, I was toying with paint brushes, drawing pencils and crayons. I could sit down there for hours silently working on my 'masterpieces'. Mom said proudly I had a God-given talent for that when she talked to her sisters.

Over through these years, there were good and bad times. Painting is like a love-hate affair, it gives me solace when I had troubles in relationships and I ignore it completely with slight hatred when I had no inspirations on what to create.

I wish Marie Callas can provide me with some spiritual inspirations when I need them. Marie had already helped me tremendously the previous time and she indirectly rescued me from the mire when I was feeling really down.

Your Inner World


You are the captain of your life. You are the only thinker in your mind; the only interpreter of the world around you. Your habitual thoughts, underlying beliefs, and overall values will either empower you or disempower you. They are, therefore, essential to the process of developing self confidence. You need to take some time to evaluate your beliefs about money, relationships and what you are entitled to in the world.

You also need to pay attention to your self talk. If you lack self confidence, negative self talk is likely to be a problem. Don't fight it, just become aware and counter it. You'll probably be shocked at how you're treating yourself. These thoughts will reveal your limiting beliefs. Once you've identified them, you can begin to change them. If you can change your beliefs, you can change your world.

Broken Soul

Whenever you lie, lose your compassion and integrity, hurt someone you love or do something against your conscience, you are breaking your soul. The spiritual bond between your body and your bond is simply snapped. Humans are imperfect, that's what there are many empty vessels, shells, people without substance. The physical body may be alive, but it is really blank inside and vacant because it lacks source of integrity and meaning to fill it up.

Reading through the papers, you may have known that pretty celebrities like Lindsey Lohan, Paris Hilton and Britney Spears may have broken souls. These young, wealthy, physically beautiful women have the outside appearance of prosperity, but their actions and behaviors do not exemplify inner peace. I know I'm not in a right position to comment anything because I myself has a broken soul. All humans have. That's why spirituality training is important if you want inner peace.

Marie Callas website

Just realise there is a Marie Callas website somewhere out there in the cyberspace which comes as a surprise because there used to be none out there.

Well, the website address is

For those people who thinks that Marie Callas is a mysterious person, you can see her photo right at the first page of her site, which loads fast and comes in simple design. There is also a lot of relevant content about her and what she does. Some of her satisfied customers have also written in with their testimonies about Marie. For those who wish to receive her free talisman, just submit your details at the Free Talisman page and I'm sure you will hear from her.

One thing though, I really hope more pictures of her will be posted soon and there will have a more pleasing site banner.

Just my comments though.

Backyard painting

marie callas painting greensAt the left is my latest printing done. It was painted outdoors from the backyard of one of my ex school mates. The weather was rather cold that day and the sea breeze sent heavy shivers down me. However, the lighting and view were just too alluring for me to persist on to complete the draw in more than half a day. It was not my best painting though. The strong wind made the painting stand and easel shaky... some of the brush strokes were rather out.

Switch your mentality

There is a quote by Norman Vincent Peale, a preacher and teacher of positive thinking, "Change your thoughts and you change your world."

I’m told that in the world of energy, nothing is ever destroyed. That energy can’t be destroyed, it simply changes form. That means the energy that we are seeking for is already somewhere waiting for us to find it.

So it means we are what we thought of. Things and states around me what all the outcomes of my thoughts accumulated and formed over my living years. It's a simple concept, however, how many people really understand. They just blame people around them for their plights, not knowing, a simple switch in mentality is what they all need.

Be true to yourself

A lot of us are afraid to find out who we really are. Unless we can overcome this barrier of own soul searching, we will never experience the chance of being ourselves totally, without the attached stigma some others have given to us.

The truth can’t be found by going to some church, psychiatrist or any other guru. The real truth has to be found within yourself, when you start from there you might start to discover the truth.

Remember this. To be a truthfully happy person, your actions must complements your thoughts and belief. We came into this world with a very own journey of ours to discover. This life journey is ours and nobody else. We decide for ourself what we want and not for others to decide.

In conclusion, if you are to please, you please yourself and not somebody else. So, be true to yourself! It is only when you are true to yourself, will happiness be found. However, right and wrong are divided by a thin line. Do listen to what God has to tell you all the time.

New encounter?

Marie Callas says that in May 2007, I may experience love or new encounter. As much as I have faith in Marie's readings, at this moment, I really can't see anything flourishing in that area because there is no man who makes me notice him for longer. Well, maybe time will change that. I remain hopeful and optimistic but I am not worried about that as I still miss my hubby some how. Marie Callas teachings has soothed my emotions to be better in the last 8 months or so. I'm grateful Maria got me out of depression. Marie also predicts my auspicious days are every Tuesday and Thursday between 6.30 and 10.30pm. So how am I going to interpret that?

University guy

When I was in university, I fell in love with a guy who didn’t like people smoking. He was quite a weirdo, a guy doing arts, but he had that attraction to me.

I smoked then, and as a result, I did my best to quit it. It was tough and I never ever thought I'd do it for someone else. When I saw people smoking, I thought of him, and I know that I’m still keeping a simple promise that I made to myself long ago… and it feels good and I have succeeded in quiting it.

Have already lost touch with him but I still thought of him subconsciously. I wonder how he's doing now. Maybe he himself has become a cig addict who knows. One day I'm gonna draw his portrait based on my figments of him.

Beach painting

marie callas paintingI spent the last few days time working on this picture and finally I completed it early last night. Beaches are my favourite and I like to paint them whenever I feel like.

Thinking back

Thinking back, I feel my life planning has been reasonably satisfactory so far. I'm able to pursue something that's my passion and hobby while making a living out of it. Even so, I still regard I have reached a crossroad. While pondering on which direction to go, other people are suffering from other problems and mistakes made in their life.

I heard of a young girl who is facing the prospect of aborting her unborn child. She's one of my relatives in fact. This is of course an act of murder if it is carried out. Oh well, the choices people face, not many are in the spirit of giving and sacrifice. Hope the baby lives, or, she feels peace for whatever the decision she makes. We need more love in this world.

Happy for a friend

Recently I attended a young friend's graduation ceremony. She's 24 and I envy her youth and passion. She and those graduates around me made me walk down my memory lane to evoke emotional scenes from my yesteryears. I was young and hot-headed and always yearned for my parents to leave me alone. That was the rebellious time when I dearly wanted freedom away from the home. Soon I rented a house to begin my painting career.

While I looked at my friend while she introduced her own piece of work, I could see the maturity in her years. As a friend, I'm exceedingly happy for her deep down in my heart. I wish angels will bless her in her path so that she will be successful for herself and her family.

Journey in life is always faced with unknown obstacles and she's the only one who can know what she has gone and experienced through. I hope she's known herself better through these tests and does her best to strive forward and never give up. I'd be there to support her if she needs.

Dream interpretation

Regarding dreams, I think it is good to consult a dream interpreter or a psychic. Sometimes we don't feel comfortable discussing with loved ones especially if they are in the dreams and the dreams happen to be a bad one. In this case, it is good to talk to a stranger for the interpretation. Many times, the best dream interpretation come from people who don't know you, and, thus, are able to take an objective point of view from your dream.

Suffocating dream

Last night I had a 'suffocating' dream! Is this a spiritual dream sent by Marie Callas?

I was in a packed bus standing and hands grabbing the metal pole to steady myself. Around me were some of my friends but they were like complete strangers to me. I looked and said hi to them and they did not even turn around to acknowledge me! **light bulbs are twirling my heads! **

Suddenly, I felt a choking feeling gradually. My gosh, the air conditioning of the bus had been tuned to the lowest with barely any air streams coming out from the vents. *HELP HELP* I was beginning to feel suffocated. YES, seriously! There was no air coming out and my face was turning cold. I kept grabbing my throat trying to gasp for some oxygen molecules. I looked at my friends, they were behaving like nothing was happening to them, it made me even more panicked! Did they see me really? I felt I am dying...

Then I woke up, and i still felt that choking and suffocating feeling. What a close shave! Walked to the kitchen and had a glass of warm water and why does this weird dream mean?

Why is my creative brain always churns out uncanny dreamscape for me to feel panicky in my sleeps? Maybe I will put that dream as a painting.


Lately, I've been feeling forgetful. You know you are forgetful when things and numbers that are firmly in your brains begin to perform disappearing acts. Yeah, it is easy to forget things. Just a couple of days ago, as usual I go to my ATM machine nearby to draw out some cash to pay for my drawing materials, and no matter how i tried to recall, I just couldn't get the PIN right. I flipped over my notes and phone contacts, but it was not to be found. For years I've been able to key in the number but why now I can't remember the PIN number? Am I suffering from your memory lapse?

My new printer works great and I have been printing many pictures from it over the weekend. As the result, the ink tank level has dropped alarmingly! Why did it drop so fast? They are darn expensive!

New printer

Yesterday I bought a printer because my old one had not been printing as smooth as it was like before. The new new printer is one of those all-in-one machine that can print, scan, copy and fax and it works amazingly well - it prints beautifully. However, like every other printer I've owned; the colour I was seeing on my monitor was much more vibrant.

I played around with the different calibration procedures according to the manual but... i gave up as it was getting nowhere.

Today I'm going to draw about a garden scene and I printed out in full colour a garden photo I took somewhere; that will be my inspiration and focus. As I have done many times before; I overlaid some textures, in this instance from the garden and swimming pool

I know... a bit brash, but I love it all the same.

A painting from my younger days

marie callas paintingToday I would like to show you a photo of one of my fav paintings which I completed when I was still a novice in my painting career. It was a oil painting of the sea coast I visited and I drew it while sitting at the bench besides the beach. The weather on that day was perfect and the breezy morning made it a really mesmerising experience. It was that nice!

Now as I look at this picture again, there is a sense of nostalgia overcoming me as the picture reveals the mood of my younger days and there's a surreal feel to it. If I go back to the place again, I believe it will come out completely different.

It's a quiet time

The country is in a stand down! The town and shops have practically shut down for the Easter holidays. Everyone has gone merrying at this very long weekend. For me, I attended a church mass with a friend who introduced me to his yearly spiritual sojorn. As a good friend of course I obliged and while I was there, the solemn atmosphere turns him to a person who is unlike of his normal character. I've never seen him as serious at this moment before mind you.

I think more people are starting to catch up on the spiritual side of life as the country progresses and people get more affluent. Easter is a time which is more religious than Christmas and you can see more people showing repentence and asking for forgiveness.

What I gonna be doing this long holiday? I won't be going anywhere but catching up with a couple of friends who stay nearby for a chit chat session and of course thinking of ideas for my next drawing.

I stay here

The picture here is the famous statues here in the city where I live in Geelong which is the second biggest city here in Victoria after Melbourne. This is really a nice place to be in. We've everything we need in life and it is not crowded too as compared to bigger cities. Perfectly fine for me to find new creativities and inspirations for paintings. If I'm devoid of ideas, a drive to the beautiful coastline or hilly forested terrains nearby will really recharge me. It's part of the spiritual healing too!

Goldfish in my place

marie callas fishHere is a picture of my goldfish swimming nonchalantly in the well-decorated tank. Rearing goldfish is actually a hobby of my husband and since he's not around anymore, I have taken up the task of rearing and maintaining the fish. The hardest part is of course the tank cleaning but I 'm used to that by now. There are actually two more bigger tanks but I have given the fish there to some fish hobbyists and sold the tanks. The maintenance chore is too much for me alone.

Sometimes I thought I can feel his presence around the tank, his backview, profile and of course that familiar guy scene. My eyes are red again..... well, I'd better think of something else.

When I'm bored, I'd sit in front of the tank to read the papers, have some food while watching them swim. At least that's one way I can do to cherish the memories.

Anxious wait for Marie Callas

From the moment I sent in my form to Marie Callas to the moment where I waited for her reply was one of the most nervous times I ever had in my life. Naturally you would feel regretful after doing something that was an unknown however I told myself to keep a positive faith. The wait last for nearly 25 days and in Marie Callas letter to me, she wrote a detailed description of my mental state of affairs.

'Wow' as I as astonished by her accuracy because that's how I felt exactly at that time. Marie Callas also gave me a talisman for me to carry it at all times. All I just need to do was to write my wishes in this talisman and performed some simple rituals to get it 'working' for me.

Marie Callas brought me peace

Gradually through the constant encouragement of some good pals like Joyce, Kathy and Nelly, I was able to see that life is like a process with ups and downs, sadness and happiness, successes and failures. Don't you think as a grown-up I'm so dumb that I need friends to tell me all about those? It's embarrassing, isn't it? Sometimes when you are confused, your mind just can't seen to operate properly and that's the reason why people choose to do wrong things like suicide or stupid acts.

At the same time, while I was feeling cheerful that day, after half year ago, I saw the ad of Marie Callas. I was immediately attracted to what it was printed there. I acted at the first thought. I told her I only needed peace and creativity to come back to my life. Since then, Marie Callas really helped me to get peace as well as spirituality in my life.

Two depressing years

Before knowing Marie Callas, I suffered serious depression and I totally lost the inspirations and creativity for my work. It went on for nearly two years and looking back, these two years can be considered as one of the worse in my life. It was devoid of life, verve and energy.

My loving husband passed away due to an accident and suddenly, I lost that main pillar of strength in my life. Yes I'd been that vulnerable you may laugh. What followed were times of excruciating pain and loss. I really did not know what to do. I'd wake up with bad dreams grasping for airs.

My friends have been very kind. All of them encouraged me to get out of the mire and continue to be the warm cheerful person I am known for. I'm so grateful of them.

Life is beautiful

I have been on cloud nine for the past few days, and for no reason I could discern, at all.

I feel like I am walking on air on a cool breezy day, on the verge of bursting into song, and almost I could make a twirl in the garden, where flowers grow and bloom at my tender touch.

At night, stars in the sky twinkle merrily, and part for me. The moon gives me a knowing wink, keeping my secrets safe. Her light shines down on me not like a beacon, but like a soft and gentle blanket that wraps you in comfort, a thin line that keeps you away from total darkness.

Yes, life is beautiful.

On technorati

A friend who is more online-inclined talked to me on MSN and we talked about blogs. He told to add my blog to this huge online blog database called technorati so that the chances of people landing on my blog will increase. I think that's a very good idea as it will help Marie Callas to gain some exposure too. One thing for sure, I'm like to maintain a lower profile and I hope this will not result in many rude comments. Well, luckily I can turn off comment mode here at blogger.

Something about the colours

With Marie Callas' blessings, I went back to my drawing with extra verve over the weekend. I'm a person who does not care about the colour theory. You can say I disregard the rules of painting and a rebel in certain sense.

There is no need to stress over such colour stuff. Some people may disagree but I believe creations and innovations will result if you are daring enough to dabble with experimentations. I mean, it’s good to know some basic concepts and vocabulary like complementary colors; primary, secondary, and tertiary colors; warm and cool colors; and the like. But other than that? If it really looks good on your canvas and you like it a lot, that means it is something creative and you find satisfaction from it rather than worrying about the general rules. It will teach you more about the colours and let you gain valuable experience too. Some are natural instincts or talents.

Creative spurts

After a day's out in the nature. I really feel like a brand new person. It is as if my spirit has been 'detoxicated'! Inspirations are starting to come into my mind at all times. Luckily I have a small notebook which I carry with me all the time and I record it as it comes. I don't carry those electronics with me mind you because I absolutely dislike it as they are ugly to me. I guess I have to go to the outback and settle down in a cave there for the rest of my life!

On my way driving home, I even sang inside my car! When was the last time I did that? I can even hear the happy birds and cheerful flowers waving to me as I drove past them. Experts say creativity will only come in spurts of 15 minutes for only 2 or 3 times a day and I guess I'm in one of the spurts now! :)

Thanks Marie Callas for your guidance.

Wandering into the nature

Feeling slightly dispirited, maybe due to some mild headache this morning, I just can't seem to get any creative juice flowing in my brain, sad to say that. Inspirations when are you coming for me again? I look at the big tank of gold fish I have in the studio and watch their carefree life. Is it really carefree? They are trapped, aren't they? Maybe I shall paint about them next, yeah that could be an idea. Argghh...I've never seen anyone painting fish other than those oriental paintings!

Not feeling settled I therefore give myself a break today. I shall go out to the nature parks to seek some of the nature's inspirations and renew my waning spirituality level. I really miss the greenery, winds, bird chirpings and rocks.

Dreamed about a giant owl

Oh well, the painting of the dog is near completion. I thought of working it through the night, however, I couldn't as I was suddenly overcome by tiredness that had me retreated. And, I dreamed again, this time about a giant white owl prancing at the top of a tree looking at me. Its eyes were the brightest living object I'd ever seen and it was filled with clarity and wisdom. It seemed to be guiding and shielding me from dangers as I walked along the forest paths.

Then I woke up.

I rushed to toilet to do my daily morning routine and had a quick breakfast, and tiptoed to my studio to continue on my yesterday's painting about my dream dog.

By noon time I had it ready and I was very satisfied with this effort. I have decided to give this painting to my buddy as her birthday is coming.

Marie Callas, please continue to give me beautiful dreams full of warmth and wisdom. They really fill my days with inspirations to paint.

Painting a dog from my dream

Today I suddenly have this inspiration of starting on a new oil painting; I'd a vivid dream last night in my sleep where I was walking my dog. I don't have a dog all along but now in my dream I saw one. What does it mean? Anyone can interpret for me? Marie Callas? The only living thing (other than me) that is in my studio now is a tank of bubbling goldfish!

For a start, I need a reference photo of my 'dream' dog. I manage to find one online, print it out I hope it is okay with that because I felt funny about painting from it. The painting is my own, but the image, I feel, is not, which means I definitely won’t try to sell this painting.

Maybe I'd just give it away to a friend whose birthday is approaching or I just hang it down the alley of the house. It was an excellent way to finish the day. By tomorrow the painting should be ready. Thanks to Marie Callas for this inspiration.

Spirituality and creativity

marie callas starrynightAs a full time painter, I paint for a living and I'm glad to be making a living off my passion and hobby. I'm grateful to have this chance although the income is not a lot but most importantly I'm happy. Many people said we are eccentric people and somehow I agree with them because we work based on our level of energy level or inspirations. When there is non stop flow of creative energy coming into the mind, I can work non stop without sleep or rest. Such is the level of stubbornness you can see. Right now, I'm starting on this blog and it's a good breakaway from the smell of the paint for a while. We are creative people but we are bad people manager, you can say that. The reason why there is spirituality is because I believe more spirituality creates more creativity and sensitivity. I want Marie Callas to help me more on this.

Now I got to write something about my favourite picture that inspires me a lot and tell me who isn't feel awed after seeing Starry Night by van Gogh? I’m very much drawn to its dazzling blues and yellows and the vibrant curving lines of the sky that pull me through the painting. van Gogh’s are bursting with life and movement. He takes earth and sky and grass and makes them joyful and compelling.

A painter and a psychic

Daydreaming through my passage of time during in this breezy afternoon, the painter and the psychic sat in the balcony sipping some aromatic tea.

"I think we are very related in spirituality but not related in the way we satisfy people." Said the painter.

"I'd rather say we both thrive in spirituality", replied the psychic. "The more spiritual we are, the more creative and intuitive we will be. And that helps us enormously."

"Sometimes when I am looking for new inspirations, your images come into my mind as if you were my lover. I know that our frequencies are connecting, and when that happens, I know I am going to paint some of a masterpiece," said the painter while looking at the psychic. "Creativity and intuition come hand in hand."

The psychic smiled. "Maybe I shall show you a way to gain more intuition?"


"Do you mediate?" Asked the psychic.

"No, I don't but I thought about it before."

"Right, let me show you how I mediate to attain this high level of intuition. I'm sure you'll breakthrough in your works if you mediate for some couple of months".

Haha, just an imaginary conversation between Marie Callas and me. Do you think I am day dreaming again? Ya, I'm that painter and I'm quite a weirdo.

Marie Callas - my letter to you

Dear Marie Callas,

Today I feel a very strong urge to write you a few personal lines through this blog. Hope you can see it through your internet somehow. This simple blog expresses my gratitude to you for your help to change my life.

Even though nothing has happened up to now, I would like to thank you very much for your trouble and assistance, particularly for the book with the special collection of secret teachings. It is so wonderfully written and so vividly described that I felt joy whilst reading it. Even though I should have learnt all that sort of thing a long time ago, I still find it very, very difficult to feel or listen to inspiration or intuition. The same applies to visualisation.

Yet I'm a painter and paint people, animals and objects, from my imagination. I have my second sight. Why doesn't it work for this purpose? At least I know now that it's down to me. I am secretly hoping that the Goddess Lakshmi can do something for me. I've put the photo in the bedroom next to the Knights Templar box.

But I've been doing much better since I've know you, dear Marie Callas, and I've found my inner balance again. I hear the birds sing again and see the flowers bloom again. Yet the sun still doesn't have the right lustre, although the rays warm me, and all this is thanks to you, dear Marie Callas. Your dear letters are so full of hope and kind that I can't help loving them. And although my lucky star seems to have gone out, it did bring me you, dear Marie Callas.

So it does still twinkle through the veil now and again. It also gave me eight days in Tasmania with wonderful people – the spiritual healer Anthony –we spent divine hours with meditation and rituals on magical Teide and for the first time I felt the force that ran through me, I felt that I was linked with God and Earth. Now I need to contradict myself: something has happened – I have become much freer and I can even smile and be silly.

Now for something else. Dear Marie Callas, I want to give you something that is from me alone, this small book of poems and pictures. I wrote it for my husband when he was still alive to thank him for all the love and goodness and so much trust he gave me. The same goes for you, Marie Callas, I hope you find some joy in it. It was my first attempt on a PC, unfortunately with some errors. Now it's broken and I have to make do with the old one that tends to capitalise everything up front. Maybe the Goddess Lakshmi will help sometime when my lucky star twinkles again.

With greetings from all my heart.
