Marie Callas - Hobby of KingsBrief History of The Coin Posted By : Sara McConnel

Hobby of KingsBrief History of The Coin Posted By : Sara McConnel
Although it is not possible to identify the beginning of coin collecting, it is believed that the hobby soon started after the first coins were minted around 650 B.C. Items were once exchanged for carefully weighed precious metals like gold or silver. Because of dishonest merchants tr

How To Prevent Lead Poisoning in Children Posted By : Emmanuel DeFreitas
Lead-based paint is the major source of exposure for lead in U.S. children. Lead in house paint, dishes, cookware and children's products was banned in the United States as far back as 1978. All houses built before 1978 are likely to contain some lead-based paint. However, it is the deterioration of this paint that causes a problem

Organ Transplantation Posted By : Doug King
The demand for organs to be transplanted has risen much faster than the supply. The result has been the emergence of transplant tourism. Even worse is the source for at least some of these organs is questionable at best.

The Legends of Hinduism's Favorite God Ganesha's Birth Posted By : Robert Thomson
There is more than 1 story of Ganesh's beginnings. This text discusses few of those tales.

Key Wealth Secrets: Having Life Values Posted By : Alexis Martin Neely
One of the most overlooked wealth secrets is nailing down your core values and eliminating those things that are ultimately hindering success. Alexis Martin Neely, America's Personal Family Lawyer and CEO of Family Wealth Planning Institute explains how entrepreneurs and business owners can narrow down their values to pursue their highest vision.

Economic Renewal Posted By : Kate Loving Shenk
Our radio show, "Moon, Moo & You: The Collective Wisdom" featured the Secret Dollar Man, Todd Silva!! It was an enlightening show and I now am giving one dollar away, every day!! What an adventure!!

Procrastination Feels So Right Posted By : Weston Lyon
As entrepreneurs, we have a lot on our plate. Not only business activities, but when we venture home, personal activities. That's why learning to procrastinate the right way is a great skill to learn. So, to help you learn to procrastinate and feel great about it, I've created Weston's TOP 3 list of what entrepreneurs can procrastinate on: