Instincts and Intuitions

"Inner Self" constantly "emails" you messages. You need to open your mail program everyday and check what it has to say to you via those spiritual "emails". Have you done so?

The more we vibrate positive emotions, the closer we become to who we TRULY are. Flashes of intuition and inspired ideas are a direct result of us gaining a closer relationship with our all-powerful inner selves.

Human instincts teach us to survive. Human intuition, on the other hand, teaches us to be happy. If you want to be happy, then learn how to respond when clues and answers are given to you.

Personally, my question is, how too tell the difference between "real" intuition and my inner voices....? Are they the same or are they different?

Maybe, here's my attempted answer to my own question.

Human instincts, as you say, are survival-oriented and usually based on fear. Fear of being a loser, in one form or another. Real intuition is based on something else, ermm.. happiness, yeah, that's right. The main thing is the process of learning to listen to this happy-voice rather than the fear-voice, anyone agrees?