Marie Callas - Loving Response Offers Alternative to Revenge After Terrorist Attack in Mumbai Posted By : Nina Amir
Loving Response Offers Alternative to Revenge After Terrorist Attack in Mumbai Posted By : Nina Amir
This article discusses Chabad's reaction to the Mumbai terrorists attacks. They call for acts of loving kindness and the performing of commandments rather than revenge against the terrorists. This will bring light into the world giving darkness no place to exist.
Success Principles: Failure is Not an Option Posted By : Pete Koerner
Failure is only the end-of-the-line if you decide to stop. You are always in the process of something; even when you think you have failed, you have created something. What you do from that point forward determines the quality of your outcomes in life. Is failure a wall for you, or a great teacher and an opportunity for growth?
This Economic Mess Just Isn't Fair! Posted By : Michael A. Verdicchio
I am convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that our God is both able and willing to help, regardless of the stock market, the housing industry, or, the global economy for that matter.
Psychic Love Advice Posted By : MUmarF
If you are involved in some one else to whom you feel emotional, energetic, lovable and romanced, it is real love. No matter which ever dating, you have gone through and you got the truthful answer from your liking personality ( your beloved), but you are denied by your beloved and you suddenly got indulged in depression and continual anxiety either to get touched with your beloved or not.
Giving Constructive Criticism to People Posted By : Lee David
A fellow coworker wanders into your office one morning, and begs you to critique their project. Rip it to shreds! they say! So you, being the honest person that you are, go on and do just that. You leave your coworker stunned and heartbroken - they didnt realize their project was so bad that it required a 10 minute speech on how terrible it was!
Character Posted By : Henley
The mind is the shop, character is our profits on the trade. Large profits are made from quick sales and small percentages,-so great characters are made by many little acts and efforts.
Basics of the Chinese Horoscope and Your Compatibility with Other Signs Posted By : Robert Melkonyan
Chinese astrology has become one of the aspects that most people have a fascination for nowadays. As we all know, this has been going on since the ancient times, and has been rooted on early myths and legends.