Marie Callas - Spiritual Life Coaching - What Is It? Posted By : Gavin Young
Spiritual Life Coaching - What Is It? Posted By : Gavin Young
One Coach tells his perspective of Spiritual Life Coaching, what it is and how it is helpful to those wishing to lead An Examined Life.
Success Principles: Failure is Not an Option Posted By : Pete Koerner
Failure is only the end-of-the-line if you decide to stop. You are always in the process of something; even when you think you have failed, you have created something. What you do from that point forward determines the quality of your outcomes in life. Is failure a wall for you, or a great teacher and an opportunity for growth?
Why is the Gospel not being Heard? Posted By : Ashley Cummins
The answer to this question depends very much upon where you are when you ask it. In some situations, you might answer that the gospel is being heard.
Feng Shui Redesigning The Accommodation Posted By : Mat
Redesigning the accommodation attracting neat positive energies to their lives and environments