Marie Callas - The Use of Anointing Oils in the Christian Church Posted By : Clara Huset
The Use of Anointing Oils in the Christian Church Posted By : Clara Huset
The practice of anointing oil in the Christian Church is a mystery to many. Why are they use and what is the benefit?
Innovation that Never Happened Posted By : Pete Koerner
We all get ideas from time to time; and some of those ideas are really great ideas. Unfortunately for most, great ideas -- which could lead to a new invention, or some great innovation -- often go "un-pursued," and, "unrealized." Here's some advice you can use to make sure your ship doesn't sail without you on it...
Character Posted By : Henley
The mind is the shop, character is our profits on the trade. Large profits are made from quick sales and small percentages,-so great characters are made by many little acts and efforts.
Tarot Card Meanings - The Lovers Posted By : Fred Gimino
Most versions of The Lovers card depict a man between two females. One woman is blonde and the other woman is a brunette.
Tarot Cards - The Emperor Posted By : Fred Gimino
Many people express a deep fondness for the Empress' motherly love. It is because of this that these same people often feel fearful of the patriarchal sternness expressed by the Emperor. In the Waite deck, the Emperor seems stern and dark.
Citrine: The Crystal of Wealth Posted By : Britney Spears
Citrine, like all other natural crystals, is believed to have certain powers that work on a spiritual and material level to help you obtain, and keep, certain traits. Citrine is traditionally linked with abundance, making it one of the best crystal to wear or keep in your purse or wallet when you want to boost your wealth luck.
St. John Vianney Theological Seminary Launches .Edu Web Site Posted By : Arthor Pens
SJV was officially started in 1999, and has grown from its humble roots (about us) to now support an integrated educational and spiritual formation for our growing Catholic community.