Marie Callas - Why Nature Gifts Us With So Much Magic Posted By : Zahir Karbani
Why Nature Gifts Us With So Much Magic Posted By : Zahir Karbani
Recently, the number of miraculous magical items gifted to adepts by Nature has been on the increase. So what is our relationship with faeries and nature spirits, and why is this so important? To understand this, we need to look at our place in the scheme of creation.
Loving Response Offers Alternative to Revenge After Terrorist Attack in Mumbai Posted By : Nina Amir
This article discusses Chabad's reaction to the Mumbai terrorists attacks. They call for acts of loving kindness and the performing of commandments rather than revenge against the terrorists. This will bring light into the world giving darkness no place to exist.
Character Posted By : Henley
The mind is the shop, character is our profits on the trade. Large profits are made from quick sales and small percentages,-so great characters are made by many little acts and efforts.
The Wisdom of God and Supreme Knowledge Posted By : Francis Hirak
The wisdom of God is like a fine gem with many different facets shining through. Happiness can be found by living life according to the wisdom of God but intelligence and obedience go hand in hand to achieve it.
One Way to be a Good Steward of Your Company Posted By : Mark Arens
It's great to feel blessed that the Lord has given you a company to run but it's more amazing when you truly realize that the Lord has you on a mission for Him. To expand His Kingdom through how you run the company and how your company and it's employees have an effect on the people you serve. When you are in constant relationship with God, asking Him what to do next, you will be given instruction from the one who is the real boss.