Happy for a friend

Recently I attended a young friend's graduation ceremony. She's 24 and I envy her youth and passion. She and those graduates around me made me walk down my memory lane to evoke emotional scenes from my yesteryears. I was young and hot-headed and always yearned for my parents to leave me alone. That was the rebellious time when I dearly wanted freedom away from the home. Soon I rented a house to begin my painting career.

While I looked at my friend while she introduced her own piece of work, I could see the maturity in her years. As a friend, I'm exceedingly happy for her deep down in my heart. I wish angels will bless her in her path so that she will be successful for herself and her family.

Journey in life is always faced with unknown obstacles and she's the only one who can know what she has gone and experienced through. I hope she's known herself better through these tests and does her best to strive forward and never give up. I'd be there to support her if she needs.